Creative Brief Survey "*" indicates required fields Your Name* First Last Your email address:* Company Name:*What is your product or service?*What problem is your business trying to solve?*In your words, list the benefits of your product or service:*Who is your competition?*Let's avoid a replicate branding.Which adjectives best describe the product's energy?*How do you want to be perceived? Select all that apply. Active Adorable Adventurous Ambitious Artistic Athletic Bold Calm Caring Casual Charming Cheerful Chic Classic Clever Collaborative Comfortable Confident Conservative Contemporary Convenient Cool Cooperative Courageous Creative Custom Cutting Edge Daring Dazzling Debonair Delicate Delightful Detailed Determined Direct Dramatic Dynamic Eager Earthy Eccentric Efficient Elegant Enchanting Endearing Energetic Ethereal Exciting Exuberant Fabulous Familiar Fashionable Festive Fierce Flirty Formal Frank Fresh Friendly Fun Functional Funny Futuristic Generous Gentle Glamorous Graceful Hip Hilarious Historic Impactful Industrial Informal Innovative Inspiring Intense Intentional Inviting Irreverent Jolly Joyous Low Maintenance Lively Lush Majestic Mature Modern Natural Nifty Noisy No-nonsense Nostalgic Organic Plain Playful Plucky Powerful Professional Proud Quaint Quirky Radiant Rebellious Reflective Relaxing Reliable Retro Revolutionary Romantic Rustic Scholarly Secure Sensitive Serious Silly Sincere Sleek Smart Soothing Sophisticated Stable Stimulating Striking Strong Stunning Sustainable Swanky Timeless Tranquil Trustworthy Unconventional Urban Versatile Vintage Whimsical Wild Witty Wistful Youthful List the most important features of your product or service:*Who’s your target audience?*What is their target age group, gender, or even profession?Is there anything else that you feel would help us with this task? Anything else we need to know?This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.